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Thursday, July 17, 2014

7/17/14 Katie O'Kelley

This morning I reviewed my presentation incase I had to present again at our SEED meeting, but I didnt... I go tomorrow, I guess. After the meeting we ate lunch. For the rest of the day I worked on improving and adding to my symposium slides because all the science I need to do involves filtering or vacuuming and the vacuum line/needle is broken. So until that gets fixed its mostly just me and the presentations since I have read everything and more about my project. tomorrow I plan on observing/helping Sara with one of her reactions so I can be in the lab. I have also been working on the blog challenge. I have gotten many compliments on the aesthetic appeals and I hope to win. I put a lot of effort into this one. I get really competitive, but I'm in this one to win XD. I also got to take a break and go see Dr. Wetzel's German Shepherd puppy. It was the cutest thing ever and I cannot believe puppies can be that adorable. It was SOOOOOOO CUTE!! The puppy was rolling around in the grass and stopped right at my knees(I was kneeling on the grass) and just layed there and let me her. She had the biggest ears and they flopped around when she would chew on the water bottle like a chew toy :D It was the cutest. Well, that was my day.

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